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Is Your About Us Page Like Catnip for Your Customers?

It can be!Liz Hardy

Your About Us page is the most important one on your website.

Potential customers always read it.
They’re deciding whether to stay, and do business with you. Or not.

So it’s vital to make a good impression.

But writing about yourself and your business is harder than it looks, isn’t it?

That’s where I come in.

You may already know me as the founder of this very site,

I love writing about the wonderful world of cats, and connecting with people who love animals as much as I do.

And I’m about to start an exciting new venture: a web writing business, which specializes in About Us pages.

Right now, I’m in the portfolio building stage, so I’m looking to write a few About Us pages – for free!

If you’re interested in having me write one for you, read on.

A Free About Us Page! How Does That Work?

It’s pretty simple.

I’ll write an original custom-written About Us page tailored to your needs.

For a very limited time, this offer is free.

If you could send me a 1 or 2 line testimonial in return, that’d be awesome.
I’ll then use your glowing words on my site, and link to your blog as well.

This way, everyone wins:

  • I build a portfolio of happy clients
  • You get a custom-made About Us page, and a new link to your blog.

Can I get a meooooow?!

If you’d like to pounce on this very limited, tail-twitchingly good offer, drop me a line, and we’ll get started.

I’ll be charging new clients for this service very soon, so get your paws on this opportunity now!

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