
Cat Blogger


Cat Content That Makes Your Readers Purr

Liz Hardy cat blogger
If you run a cat business or blog, your customers have one thing in common.

They see their cats as more than pets.
Instead, they’re valued members of the family – with fur.

I see cats like that, too.
That’s why my cat content resonates with passionate cat owners the world over.

I’m Liz Hardy, and I’ve shared my life with cats since I was seven years old.
Now that I’m a grown up with a PhD in English, I write about cats professionally.

I create cat content that delights and engages your readers.

Why does that matter?
Good question!
Quality cat content helps generate interest in your cat business.
Your happy readers are very likely to become your future customers.

What I do

• Blog posts and articles

I specialize in fun, engaging articles that grab your readers by the scruff of the neck, and don’t let go.
That means more positive attention for your cat business or blog.

• Website content

It’s hard to write about your own business, isn’t it?
Get it wrong, and you either look desperate – or less appealing that a dish of day-old cat food.
I can help you with web content that reflects the identity of your cat business or website.

• Editing

Do you have a list of ideas or a rough draft or two you’ve been meaning to get to – for months?
I can groom your rough drafts until there’s not a hair out of place.

• Image sourcing

Need an eye-catching, copyright-free photo to go with the article?
No problem. I’ll find the purrfect one.

• Search Engine Optimized content

You’ll need to use keywords to help your customers find you.
I can help you choose the right words to get on Google’s radar.

• Promotion on social media

If a blog post includes my name as the author, I’ll happily promote it to my 25,000+ engaged Twitter followers.
You get free publicity as part of the deal!

How I do it

I tailor my approach precisely to the needs of your cat business or blog.

When practical information is needed, I create posts that are clear and instructional.
And if your audience prefers something a little lighter, I’ll add a dash of humor to a post that celebrates the joy of cats.

Either way, your readers are enlightened, inspired and uplifted.

You can see the kind of material I write here at Cat Mamas…


There’s plenty of light-hearted cat content on the Blog.
And there are reassuring, informative posts on cat health here.

As well as my online cat content, I’ve had two books published about the vivid inner worlds of cats.

my cat content includes bookscat content in book form


What People Are Saying

I love sharing my cat content with my 29K+ Twitter community – here’s what they say when they read it!
response from twitter


If you have a cat business or blog that could benefit from more customers, let’s talk!

Connect With Me at:

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